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February 16, 2018

MANAGING YOUR FINANCES When It Comes To Investing, Are You A Bull Or A Bear? Or Are You More Of A Narwhal, Or A Mason Bee?

(NAPSI)—Investing experts typically refer to two iconic animal mascots when talking about investor sentiment, the Bull and the Bear. If you’re “bullish,” you think stocks are going up and you invest aggressively. If you’re “bearish,” you expect stocks to go down and you look for more conservative investments to wait out the storm. Either way,

February 16, 2018

EYE ON HEALTH Healthy Living And Macular Degeneration: Tips To Protect Your Vision

(NAPSI)—Here’s health news you may be glad to see: A healthy lifestyle may reduce your risk of getting vision diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which can damage central vision and currently affects 11 million Americans. If you already have AMD, such a lifestyle may help protect your remaining vision. Here are hints on

February 16, 2018

FLORIDA NEWS & NOTES Time To Get Ready, Florida by Chip LaMarca

(NAPSI)—Florida has now sustained 117 direct hits by hurricanes in recorded history, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This is almost twice as many major storms as the runner-up state of Texas. In fact, in Florida’s annual hurricane season, which runs from June through November, residents can anticipate tropical storm and hurricane warnings

February 16, 2018

HEART HEALTH Atrial Fibrillation: When The Heart Skips A Beat

(NAPSI)—Every heart has a built-in pacemaker that ensures it beats regularly. When that natural pacemaker doesn’t do its job, however, a person may experience an irregular heart rhythm, the most common and undertreated of which is atrial fibrillation (AF). This irregular heartbeat isn’t always noticeable at first but can cause chaos over time. Understanding AF

February 8, 2018

MANAGING YOUR FINANCES Get The Fair, Accurate And Substantiated Credit Report You Deserve

(NAPS)—Every year, millions of Americans are denied loans for homes and cars due to errors on their credit reports. While a late payment or derogatory mark from a creditor may seem harmless, it can have long-standing consequences on your credit, most notably your credit score. Credit scores are important as 90 percent of banks use