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January 26, 2018

TAX TOPICS Five Tips To Save Time & Money This Tax Season

(NAPSI)—Taxes are inevitable, but there are many smart ways to save time and money throughout the process. Marsha Barnes, a certified financial social worker, financial educator and certified credit report reviewer, helps identify five important tips to consider: Get organized. Gather all the documents you’ll need ahead of time, including W-2s, 1099s, mortgage interest statements,

January 26, 2018

HINTS FOR HOMEOWNERS Bomb Cyclone Preparedness: Four Easy Steps To Help Prevent Water-Pipe Damage

(NAPSI)—The unusually cold temperatures that the country is currently experiencing will cause all kinds of chaos, including frozen water pipes. If the pipes burst as a result of the cold, this can be a major nightmare—but something that can be prevented with the proper precautions. For climates that rarely see extremely cold temperatures like what

January 26, 2018

HEALTH AWARENESS Facing a Serious Health Condition—Stories of Strength and Life with a Rare Lung Disease

(NAPSI)—Being diagnosed with a serious disease can be devastating. That’s how Nick, 72, felt when he discovered he has a rare and severe lung condition called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, or IPF. Ginger, 68, said learning she has IPF was the scariest time of her life. Chronic diseases such as IPF—which causes permanent scarring to the

January 26, 2018

HEALTH MATTERS Protecting Your Privacy

(NAPSI)—Some people are taking an unhealthy interest in your medical information—but they can be stopped. The Problem With data breaches occurring across many industries, even sensitive data pertaining to patient health care records is at risk. A recent University of Phoenix study of 504 registered nurses and administrative staff found that only a quarter of

January 17, 2018

CAR CORNER America Is Seeing A Flood Of ‘Flood Cars’

(NAPSI)—Recent research suggests drivers may be behind the wheel of more than 325,000 previously flooded vehicles. That’s a 20 percent increase from 2016 and a stark reminder to consumers to do due diligence when used-car shopping. One Woman’s Story “I bought a car last year and the seller never told us anything about it being