BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY Taking A Stand Against Bad Meetings In The Workplace

In this digital age, people are increasingly working in teams locally and globally. A new app makes meetings more efficient.
In this digital age, people are increasingly working in teams locally and globally. A new app makes meetings more efficient.

(NAPSI)—We all know the feeling: You’re running late for a meeting because you can’t find the conference room. When you finally do, you’re stressed out, fumbling around to load your presentation on the screen, and too busy apologizing for wasting everyone’s time to get the agenda back on track.

Indeed, when we think of meetings, the next word that comes to mind is “frustration.” The problems they cause are too numerous to count. There’s an average 10-minute delay between the scheduled time and actual start of meetings, and 37 percent begin late. Many of these obstacles—delayed starts, double-booked rooms or malfunctioning technology—stem from issues with the spaces themselves.

Bad meetings crush employee productivity but also leave you with lingering discomfort and dissatisfaction that can impact your work for hours. Think of the ripple effect that one poorly executed discussion or presentation can have, derailing your focus and drive.

“In addition to costing organizations billions each year, bad meetings waste time and resources,” says Nic Milani, Executive Director of Cloud Solutions, Crestron Electronics, a leading global technology company. “With the right tools at an organization, employees can focus on doing their work, rather than trying to get their presentations to work.”

Smarter Tools, Better Meetings

In this digital age, employees are increasingly working in teams locally and globally. As such, companies recognize the need to ban inefficient meetings for good by investing in tools that allow employees to work smarter.

How often do you see two people meeting in a 12-person conference room? Or occupying video-enabled spaces yet never using the equipment? That’s where Crestron comes in. Its solutions tackle these situations.

Crestron’s PinPoint mobile app, a personal scheduling and productivity tool for employees, together with Crestron’s Fusion Cloud Enterprise Management Platform used by IT managers, help ban bad meetings. From scheduling to setup, execution to completion, employees are empowered to get in and out of their meetings efficiently. Companies have real-time visibility into their meeting rooms, their technology and how to maximize them. Crestron Fusion Cloud also helps organizations save on energy bills and reduce the space that they need.

Productivity for the People

As the workplace adapts to the digital landscape, new solutions are critical for companies to maximize their investments in technology, buildings and, most importantly, people—and, for once and for all, to say good-bye to bad meetings. Learn more at