(NAPSI)—While almost everyone agrees that they want to travel, few people agree on the perfect destination. To discover more about dream destinations, Wakefield Research conducted a study to find out whether Americans are planning a vacation this spring, and to where they would most like to go. Here are the results:
Who goes:
When asked whether they are planning to take a spring vacation this year, most said that they were. Among those under the age of 35, it’s more than two-thirds.
Where they go:
- Beach destinations are popular spots, with 90 percent of respondents identifying a beach destination as a possibility for their getaway. Leading the way in beach locales is Florida (32 percent), followed by Hawaii (19 percent) and the Caribbean (18 percent). To bring a Hawaiian getaway more in reach, Travelocity has a special offer on packages to beautiful Oahu. By visiting www.travelocity.com/oahu, travelers can get $100 off an air and hotel travel package of $1,000 or more.
- The supremacy of the beach as a spring destination is challenged, however, by the big city, with 91 percent considering the bright lights for a spring vacation. Las Vegas was mentioned by the most respondents (21 percent), closely trailed by New York and Orlando at 15 percent each. Seventy-six percent were open to a ski vacation. Colorado was the most-named ski destination at 37 percent, with Canada at 16 percent and Utah at 9 percent just a short way down the ski preference “slope.”
- A significant number of the travel site’s Facebook fans also shared that a cruise vacation is in their plans this spring.
Which presidential candidate they would go with:
With 2016 being an election year, the survey also asked which candidate most people want to elect—as a vacation companion.
After the polls closed and the confetti settled, it was revealed the vacation electorate equally split for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, with each receiving 30 percent of the political travel companion vote. Following the front-runners was Bernie Sanders (18 percent), with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio tied at 8 percent.
Where to learn more: For further travel facts, tips and destinations, go to www.travelocity.com/springbreak. The site en-courages travelers to “Wander Wisely” and has an industry-leading Customer 1st Guarantee, making the travel experience both simple and memorable with competitive prices, 24/7 customer service and more.