(NAPSI)—Americans are mobile-first, but when driving, your number one priority should be safety. While our phones are a source for information and entertainment, there is no reason for anyone to manually text while driving.
That’s the message that 17-year-old high school senior Claire Offenberger conveyed in her digital short public service announcement that won the CTIA Wireless Foundation 2016 Drive Smart contest. Ms. Offenberger’s national award winning video asked, “You wouldn’t drive blindfolded, why text?”
In addition to winning the $5,000 grand prize scholarship, Ms. Offenberger visited Washington, D.C. and was presented with the award by U.S. Secretary of Transportation (DOT) Anthony Foxx, CTIA Wireless Foundation President and CTIA President and CEO Meredith Attwell Baker, and National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator Mark Rosekind. She also met with U.S. Rep. Mimi Walters (R-CA).
In its second year, the Drive Smart contest provides educators with materials to help remind students (and adults) to not text while driving. With hundreds of students across the country developing creative anti-texting-while-driving ads, CTIA Wireless Foundation is helping educate Americans about the dangers of distracted driving.
Together with CTIA and its members, America’s wireless companies support a three-sided approach to combat distracted driving—education, technology and legislation. Through industry-wide campaigns like Drive Smart and individual company initiatives, Americans know they should not text while driving. Technology developments from device manufacturers, wireless providers and apps and content providers include auto-replies to texts while driving and hands-free options. CTIA worked with the DOT, AAA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Conference of State Legislatures and other organizations by drafting model legislation for states that bans manual texting while driving. CTIA continues to encourage states across the country to pass this important legislation.
While one should never text while driving, it’s important to remember that wireless devices are fundamentally public safety tools so you can reach first responders and emergency personnel when needed. In fact, almost 300 wireless 911 calls are made every minute in the U.S.
Driver distractions come in many forms, from passengers to eating to music. To combat distracted driving, follow these six rules:
- Never manually text and drive.
- Know and obey state and local laws on wireless device usage wherever you may drive.
- Learn your wireless device’s and automobile’s features, such as voice activation and hands-free options.
- Let the person you are speaking with know you’re driving; if necessary, suspend the call in heavy traffic or hazardous weather conditions.
- Don’t take notes or look up phone numbers while driving.
- Don’t engage in stressful or emotional conversations that might divert your attention from the road.
When you’re behind the wheel, safety must be your number one priority. CTIA and its member companies remind you to never text while driving.
Learn More
For more facts and tips on technology and safe driving, visit www.ctia.org.