(NAPSI)—Today’s children’s media landscape is filled with characters who encourage young viewers to try new things and think about failure as a learning opportunity, not as a detractor from success. And according to child development experts, all aspects of a girl’s life are improved when she has a space to take healthy risks, despite the potential for failure. Girl Scouts provides that supportive environment for girls to approach challenges head on, try new things, and have fun with their friends.
By providing that supportive environment for girls, Girl Scouts allows them to experience the emotional effect of risk without damaging consequences. When a girl takes a chance, she could miss the mark on her first try, but failure is an important learning experience essential to her development. Taking chances and experiencing failure through opportunities with Girl Scouts help girls become stronger challenge seekers, develop a positive sense of self, and learn resourceful problem solving.
“Often, society treats boys and girls differently when it comes to the emotional impact of taking healthy risks,” said Sylvia Acevedo, interim CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA. “Healthy risk taking means allowing girls to learn from mistakes and use them as an opportunity for personal advancement. With Girl Scouts’ emphasis on building girls’ confidence and giving them the supportive environment in which to take controlled chances, anything is possible.”
Girl Scouts seek opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills, set challenging goals, and take age-appropriate risks through exposure to new experiences. Research shows that opportunities offered through Girl Scouts give girls a leg up in all aspects of their lives. Girl Scout Research Institute (GSRI) found that the diverse activities and experiences available through Girl Scouts gives girls an opportunity to gain skills and confidence that also positively impact their academics. For instance, while a second-grader might try Girl Scout camp for the first time or learn about the water cycle with her friends, a ninth-grader might explore college financial-aid options, learn how to surf, or spend her summer abroad volunteering. Experiences like these sharpen girls’ problem-solving abilities and reinforce their challenge seeking—important components of success in the classroom and in life.
Taking chances and experiencing failure also allows a girl to develop a positive sense of self and to exercise real-world problem solving. With the support of fellow Girl Scouts and troop leaders, girls can take healthy risks and become leaders in their communities, opportunities that help develop characteristics necessary to become successful adults. In fact, research from the Girl Scout Research Institute has demonstrated that Girl Scouts have more leadership experiences than other girls and boys, and the organization’s programming can lead to significant growth in girls’ skills.
Dr. Andrea Bastiani Archibald, Ph.D., Girl Scouts of the USA’s chief girl and parent expert, explained, “When children are given the opportunity to put themselves out there they come to see failure as a natural part of life and they develop that tenacity to keep trying. This becomes their orientation—healthy risk taking becomes exciting, not daunting. They approach more difficult challenges as an adult head-on, and can become more successful in all endeavors.”
With a new school year just around the corner filled with countless exciting—and potentially intimidating—new experiences, you can help your girl find her spark by joining the Girl Scouts. As the world’s largest girl-led organization, Girl Scouts provides a supportive environment for girls to try new things, approach challenges head-on, and have fun with their friends. Now’s a great time to sign up! To join, visit girlscouts.org/join, or sign up to volunteer at girlscouts.org/volunteer.