4-H National Youth Science Day offers hands-on learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to thousands of youth across the country.
4-H National Youth Science Day offers hands-on learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to thousands of youth across the country.

(NAPSI)—On October 5th, 4-H and flying drones will excite more than 100,000 kids about science in the nation’s largest youth-led engineering challenge.

4-H National Youth Science Day

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) will come to life for thousands of youth October 5th, when 4-H National Youth Science Day (NYSD)’s Drone Discovery Challenge kicks off across the country.

Sponsored by 4-H and HughesNet, NYSD is the largest youth-led science challenge in the U.S. Youth and mentors will explore the concepts behind drone flight by designing and building a camera-equipped glider. Participants will also learn computer coding by simulating drone flight online. Events take place in all 50 states while 4-H hosts a flagship event in Washington, D.C.

The goal of NYSD is to excite kids about STEM through hands-on experience with cutting-edge technology. Drone Discovery teaches about controlled flight; payload and remote sensing; coding and programming, and practical tasks such as identifying invasive plants in a cornfield.

“Drones are an exciting topic for both kids and adults. Drones are already revolutionizing industry—filmmaking, search and rescue and agriculture, to name a few—but the technology is still young and there is so much room to innovate. That makes drones a great focus for learning,” said Jennifer Sirangelo, president and CEO of National 4-H Council. “Picking exciting topics—rockets, robotics, drones—and giving kids hands-on learning opportunities is the best way to energize them about STEM and encourage them to dive in deeper.”

National Youth Science Day is one program in the STEM learning partnership between 4-H and HughesNet—America’s #1 choice for satellite Internet. Together, they expose students to hands-on science, technology, engineering and math learning by providing resources for youth across the country, especially small communities where STEM learning opportunities can be limited.

“There are youth all over the country with remarkable potential in STEM who just need a spark to trigger their passion,” said Peter Gulla, senior vice president, marketing at Hughes Network Systems. “HughesNet believes they should all have equal access to hands-on learning, which is why we’re proud to support National Youth Science Day and other 4-H programs to extend STEM resources to every community.”

To register for the event, download the experiment guides and order a science kit, please visit http://4-h.org/parents/national-youth-science-day/. Tag photos and videos of your work with #4HNYSD.

Learn More

For more information, visit www.4-h.org/4-h-national-youth-science-day and www.hughesnet.com/4h.