(NAPSI)—Routine maintenance is essential for extending your car’s life, ensuring it stays out of the shop and improving gas mileage. Here are three simple tasks that are easy to do and will benefit any vehicle. Be sure to check your owner’s manual because timing and instructions vary by vehicle.
Changing the Air Filter
About every 10,000+ miles you put on your car, change the air filter. It can be easily removed and replaced as it’s generally secured with only a few metal clips.
Lubricate Moving Parts
Regularly lubricating your vehicle’s moving parts such as door, hood and trunk hinges will not only prevent squeaking when you open or close them, but will keep them from wear or damage due to the constant movement and corrosion from wet weather.
Prevent squeaks and corrosion from building up in the future by using a water-displacement lubricant such as WD-40® Multi-Use Product. The new WD-40 EZ-REACH™ can make this process easier with its attached 8-inch flexible straw that bends and keeps its shape.
Monitoring Tire Pressure
If your car’s tire pressure is too low, you will wear out your tires more quickly and will get poor fuel efficiency.
Tire pressure gauges are inexpensive and an easy way to determine the pressure in your tires. Find your vehicle’s recommended PSI and how to test it in the owner’s manual. Compare the number on the gauge with your vehicle’s recommended PSI and add or release air to match it. Do this regularly on all four tires.
Arm yourself with the right tools and you can save money by tackling easy car maintenance projects. For more information about how to make automotive repairs simpler, visit www.wd40.com/EZ.