HOT TRENDS IN HOME HEATING A More Energy- And Cost-Efficient Heating And Cooling Solution

Ductless mini-split systems can save homeowners up to 25 percent on their utility bills and allow for individual, room-by-room temperature control.
Ductless mini-split systems can save homeowners up to 25 percent on their utility bills and allow for individual, room-by-room temperature control.

(NAPSI)—As the temperature plummets, homeowners will crank up the heat to keep warm and toasty—quickly burning through money and energy. In fact, home heating uses more energy and costs more money than any other system in your home, typically making up nearly half of your utility bill. So what’s the best way to keep the cold out, the heat in, and your energy bill down?

There are several types of heating systems that range from blowing hot air through ductwork to piping hot water through your floor. Forced-air systems, the most common type, heat quickly and evenly, but many are not energy efficient and some users complain that moving air is noisy and blows allergens around the house. In addition, they require ductwork, which many older homes don’t have.

Americans are largely unaware of one heating option called ductless mini-split systems, distributed by several companies including Fujitsu General America. While the majority of HVAC systems in Asia and Europe are already ductless, they are rapidly gaining traction in North America, with mini-split systems projected to enjoy an annual growth rate of 14 percent each year through 2020.

Energy Bill Savings Up To 25 Percent

The high energy efficiencies of mini-split systems can save homeowners up to 25 percent of utility bills simply because they eliminate wasteful ducts. In fact, duct losses can easily account for more than 30 percent of energy consumption, especially if the ducts are not sealed tightly or are located in an unconditioned space such as an attic or crawl space. Ductless mini-splits forgo those energy losses typically associated with forced-air systems. This is particularly good news for older homes, homes without existing ductwork or homes with seasonal additions, such as a sunroom. Installing ductwork is expensive and requires cutting holes in walls, floors and ceilings, or decreasing closet space. Ductless systems require only a two- or three-inch hole just outside the wall and are also whisper quiet.

End Energy Waste And Thermostat Wars

Mini-splits feature custom zone control, enabling homeowners to connect two to eight indoor units to a single outdoor unit. Since each of the zones has its own thermostat, you heat only the areas you want and disregard those that are unoccupied. This can represent a significant savings considering the kitchen, dining room, living room and bedrooms are left unoccupied for at least 40 percent of the time. In addition, everyone can adjust each room to the temperature he or she wants—year—round—virtually eliminating the “thermostat wars,” with family members fighting for their personal climate preferences.

Extra Low Temperature Protection

It’s important to choose a reputable heating and cooling system that is equipped to handle your individual requirements. Fujitsu General’s line of mini-split systems have a performance success rate of more than 99 percent and come in numerous sizes, styles and rated outdoor temperatures. The Extra Low Temperature Heating (XLTH) Series features outdoor condensing units engineered to operate in temperatures down to -15° F, lower than any other mini-split available today.

Mini-split systems may take as little as a day or two to install, depending on how many units you put in. To learn more or find a contractor nearby, call (888) 888-3424 or visit or