(NAPSI)—For the first time ever, the Society of the 3rd Infantry Division, a 501(c)(19) veterans organization, will host the Division Ball at the conclusion of the “Marne Week” festivities for soldiers, their families, veterans and Army civilians on November 18, 2016.
The Society was formed by veterans of WWI as a nonprofit, fraternal, social, educational, patriotic, military service organization and is now one of the oldest veterans organizations supporting a specific division in the United States.
Determined to make the event affordable for all soldiers, it’s asking businesses, organizations and individuals to sponsor the event. All sponsorship or donations are tax deductible.
The Society exists to honor fallen soldiers, to support division and family members, and to perpetuate a social network of “Dogface” soldiers, past and present. It provides opportunities and facilitates uniting past, present and future members of the 3rd Infantry Division, U. S. Army, in a national program dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of the division’s traditions and history.
Membership is open to current soldiers, veterans with honorable service in the 3rd Infantry Division, and those who were members of supporting or attached units. In addition, spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, siblings of any person eligible for regular membership, and any person with a special interest in or an affinity for the 3rd Infantry Division can be an associate member.
Soldiers often find the bonds created while serving with their comrades can become as important to them as family and are glad they’ve kept up with those they served beside.
Learn more at www.society3rdid.org.