(NAPSI)—There is no doubt that internet access and digital literacy skills are fundamental to success in today’s world. These are essential tools that help kids connect to homework and educational resources, assist parents in their search for better jobs, and allow everyone to be more connected to what’s going on in the world. And, although according to the Census Bureau, three in four American households subscribe to the internet, the rest, including lower-income families, do not—but that’s being remedied.
To help bridge the digital divide, Comcast’s Internet Essentials program offers access to low-cost, high-speed internet service, free digital literacy training and affordable options to purchase a computer. In fact, Internet Essentials has helped connect 750,000 families, or 3 million low-income Americans, to the internet.
Closing the digital divide takes nothing short of a movement. It takes a focus on meaningful partnerships to connect with the communities that need help. In July 2016, Comcast and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) took a historic step to close the digital divide in America by partnering to expand Internet Essentials to residents living in HUD-assisted homes. That’s an estimated 2 million households that can now benefit from the power of the internet. No one company or government program can fix the digital divide. It’s about working together to make a meaningful impact and bring this essential connection to even more families.
To qualify for Internet Essentials, a household needs to have at least one child who is eligible for the National School Lunch Program or receive HUD housing assistance. For more information, including a list of eligible communities, or to apply or help others apply for the program, visit https://internetessentials.com/apply or call (855) 846-8376. Para información en Español, llame al (855) 765-6995.