AMERICA’S HEROES Helping Military Families

72342(NAPSI)—If you’re ever the parent, spouse or child of someone in the military, a military member yourself or a veteran, you may be glad to know a guide to important resources and services to make life easier can be in the palm of your hand.

That’s because of something called the Hero Care App. It highlights the extensive array of services the American Red Cross offers members of the military, veterans and their families.

What You Get With The App

With the free app, you can:

  • Request Red Cross emergency services, such as an emergency message or assistance with emergency travel or emergency financial aid
  • Securely and easily access information about a service member in the case of an emergency, including updated information on moves or changed duty assignments
  • Access nonemergency Red Cross behavioral health assistance, financial assistance and free workshops just for military spouses and children
  • Find nearby resources and information provided by trusted community partners such as Blue Star Families, Military Child Education Coalition, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), United Way, Goodwill, Easter Seals and others
  • Locate information on key government resources such as Military OneSource, VA Benefits and Services, Department of Labor VETS, the VA Caregiver Support Program and SAMHSA Community Health Support Services
  • Connect with other Red Cross apps including the Emergency, First Aid and Blood apps.

All the information is available in English and Spanish and you can use the app to share your own Red Cross stories and photos.

How To Get The App

To download the app to your smartphone or tablet, search for American Red Cross in your app store, text GETHEROCARE to 90999 to get a link to download the app or go to