Stories of once and current American Soldiers, as well as civilians and animals supporting the Army, will be preserved in registries at the future National Army Museum.
Stories of once and current American Soldiers, as well as civilians and animals supporting the Army, will be preserved in registries at the future National Army Museum.

(NAPSI)—If you or someone you care about has ever served in the U.S. Army, there’s something you should know: The Army Historical Foundation wants to make sure everyone who has done so can take his or her place in history in the future National Museum of the United States Army.

The Foundation invites current Soldiers, Army veterans and loved ones on their behalf, to submit their stories of Army service to the Registry of the American Soldier. This will be one of the largest collections of American Soldier profiles ever assembled. The Foundation currently features these stories online and the collection will be made available on kiosks throughout the future National Army Museum.

The Foundation is also accepting the stories of the people and animals that supported America’s Soldiers.

The Registry of the Army Community recognizes the service of civilians such as Army spouses, Department of the Army civilians and USO employees.

The Registry of Animals in Service to the Army preserves the history of animals loyally supporting Soldiers through roles such as transportation, communications, security and bomb detection.

All Registries are free. Visit to get started. The process takes only a few minutes but the stories you share will be preserved forever.