(NAPSI)—The holidays are over and many of us are hunkering down to wait out the rest of the winter. Tens of millions of students across the country will be celebrating their educational options from January 22 through 28—traditional public schools, charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and home education. It’s National School Choice Week, and with more than 21,000 events going on nationwide, it’s clear there’s a lot to celebrate.
While some are celebrating the education choices they’ve been able to make, others are rallying to push for more choices where options are limited for parents.
School choice coalitions in nearly 30 states will host large events with hundreds or thousands of attendees. Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, Nevada Sen. Scott Hammond, Emmy Award−winning former news anchor Campbell Brown and others will give keynote addresses in places as far away as Connecticut, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Nebraska, Rhode Island, Mississippi and Wyoming.
How can one cause unite single parents and governors, urban and rural families in red and blue states with high and low incomes?
It’s easy to get behind school choice because it’s easy to get behind quality education for every child. School choice programs give parents more choices so they can find a school that fits their children’s individual needs. School choice puts parents in charge—because nobody knows the kids better or loves the kids more than their parents.
While kids from different families, different states and different income levels may have different needs and goals, they all have parents who know them, love them and want what’s best for them. And that’s something we can all celebrate.
To learn more about events near you and educational options in your state, visit www.schoolchoiceweek.com.