(NAPSM)—Kimberly Goodloe can still recall the exact moment she knew something was wrong.
“I felt a sudden pain in my chest and knew I needed to see a doctor immediately,” she says.
Six years earlier, Goodloe had been diagnosed with a congenital aortic defect but was told at the time that it could be decades before it required a replacement. As a result, she was shocked to learn from her doctor that she was already in need of an aortic valve replacement at the age of 42.
Each year, millions of Americans are diagnosed with heart valve disease, which occurs if one or more of one’s heart valves don’t work well. The heart has four valves with tissue flaps that open and close with each heartbeat to make sure blood follows in the right direction through the heart’s four chambers to the rest of one’s body. Heart valve disease can affect anyone, but it is more common in older populations and people who have been diagnosed with other heart problems.
African Americans have an increased risk for some types of heart disease. Nearly 44 percent of African-American men and 48 percent of African-American women have some form of cardiovascular disease, which includes heart disease and stroke. Moreover, African-American adults have among the highest prevalence of high blood pressure, a leading cause of heart disease and stroke.
Dr. Eldrin Lewis, director of the Cardiovascular Clerkship Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, suggests that people at risk should have regular check-ups with their doctor and understand the signs and symptoms of heart valve disease, which include chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness or fainting, and swollen ankles, feet or abdomen. Following a proper diagnosis, treatment for heart valve disease may include lifestyle changes, assessing the need for medication, and repairing or replacing the valve, if needed. For some people, heart valve disease mostly stays the same throughout their lives and doesn’t cause any problems; for others, the condition slowly worsens and, if not treated, can cause heart failure or other life-threatening conditions.
“Fortunately, with proper diagnosis and treatment, most people with heart valve disease are able to recover and return to a full and healthy lifestyle,” says Dr. Lewis.
The goals of treating heart valve disease might include heart-healthy lifestyle changes, such as learning how to manage stress and cope with problems, which can improve one’s emotional and physical health. Goodloe was reluctant to tell people about her mechanical heart valve at first. As a former social worker and teacher, she had always been the one helping others and connecting families with needed resources. This time, it was Goodloe who needed support.
“The healing process was hard, and it took me a while to open up and accept help,” she says. “The whole experience taught me a lot about myself, the importance of a strong support network and how I could use my experience with heart valve disease to help others going through a similar situation. My journey isn’t over.”
Goodloe began volunteering with the American Heart Association (AHA) in 2010, about a year after her heart valve replacement surgery. She recently joined the AHA’s newly established Patient Ambassadors team—a small, volunteer-based group of heart valve disease survivors and caregivers who are leaders in the patient community. The Ambassadors work directly with the AHA to raise awareness of the impact of heart valve disease, support others struggling with the disease, and share available resources with patients and caregivers. The Patient Ambassador program is supported by Edwards Lifesciences Foundation.
In addition to her work as a Patient Ambassador, Goodloe is committed to raising awareness of heart disease by offering support and encouragement to families who are suffering in her community. Goodloe says giving back has been an important part of her recovery, whether it’s sharing her story as a Patient Ambassador, connecting with patients and caregivers on the AHA’s Support Network or just being there to listen to someone grappling with heart disease.
“People with heart valve disease don’t need to suffer in silence or denial like I did at first,” says Goodloe. “I hope that by sharing my story, I can offer support, hope and encouragement to other people struggling with this disease.”
The AHA offers a variety of resources to help patients and caregivers understand heart valve disease and prepare for treatment—available on the AHA website at www.heart.org/heartvalves. Patients and caregivers can also visit the AHA’s Support Network, an online community where people can find and give support, share their experiences and connect with others like them.
“While the road to recovery can be long, it’s worth it,” says Goodloe. “People affected by heart valve disease must know they’re never alone.”