TEACHING TODAY Change Careers: Answer The Calling To The Classroom

Regardless of the education climate, many people are eager to leave their jobs in search of a teaching career where they can feel effective every day.
Regardless of the education climate, many people are eager to leave their jobs in search of a teaching career where they can feel effective every day.

(NAPSI)—Here’s news many may find educational: According to a recent University of Phoenix College of Education survey,* one in three (34 percent) K−12 teachers nationwide say they changed careers to join the teaching profession, with 36 percent of career changers coming from a business and management background.

When asking career changers why they made the decision to become a teacher, they cited always wanting to teach (36 percent), a change of pace (31 percent) and more flexible schedules (23 percent) as top reasons for joining the profession.

“In a time when the educational environment is faced with teacher shortages and uncertainty, it is critical to build a strong pipeline of talented educators committed to preparing students for success,” said Dr. Pamela Roggeman, Ed.D., academic dean for the College of Education at University of Phoenix. “Many amazing teachers satisfy those needs in America’s schools, and, in my experience, career changers are an important part of continued student success in the classroom.”

K−12 teachers agree that career changers meet a valuable need in America’s classrooms. According to the survey, K−12 teachers say there are many benefits to having career changers in the classroom, including bringing “real-world” applications for subjects being taught (64 percent), fresh ideas (48 percent) and more teacher diversity (46 percent).

“Those who change careers to enter teaching tend to bring rich knowledge and strong skill sets from their previous roles that often enhance the student learning experience,” said Dr. Roggeman.

For anyone considering career changing into the classroom, here are four tips from Dr. Roggeman on how to be best prepared for a career in teaching:

  1. Seek educator preparation that provides strong teaching practice knowledge. Finding a preparation program that helps aspiring educators grow and refine their craft is helpful for long-term success in a classroom setting, and is especially beneficial during the first few years in the profession.
  2. Choose a school that is willing to invest in efficacy and retention through strong induction programs designed to support first- and second-year teachers in areas critical to long-term success. This can include classroom management, lesson planning, instruction and assessment, all essential skills for any educator.
  3. Identify a personal and professional support system, such as an effective veteran colleague or support from a professional organization. Having a seasoned educator providing regular feedback can help new teachers feel more comfortable and be more effective.
  4. Finally, if you experience the call, answer it. Make a difference. Become a teacher.

Learn More

For further facts and stats on career change and education, see the College of Education at University of Phoenix online at www.Phoenix.edu.

*Survey of 1,001 U.S. full-time employed K−12 teachers who have at least an undergraduate degree conducted online within the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of University of Phoenix between March 29 and April 3, 2017. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, contact Amanda Barchilon at amanda.barchilon@apollo.edu.