(NAPSI)—Moving can be a hassle, stressful and emotional.
If you’re considering a move, know you’re not alone. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 40 million Americans moved in 2016. That’s a lot of moving.
“Every year, people take on the frustrating experience of moving,” said Adam Doron, CEO of Unpakt, an online platform designed to eliminate stress from the moving experience. “What many don’t realize is that moving doesn’t have to be difficult. There are resources available to ensure an easy, hassle-free move.”
According to Doron, the main challenge when moving is guaranteeing the final price of a move, as moving prices can increase on move day with no notice. Another challenge? Verifying that a mover is licensed and insured. He suggests using a reliable online service to compare guaranteed, transparent prices from prescreened moving companies, as well as customer reviews. That allows people to manage and control their move from start to finish. It’s also beneficial to have a third party handling payments and issues.
“Working with an online platform like Unpakt means you can avoid the hassle of entrusting an unknown mover with getting your belongings to your new home,” said Doron. “Unpakt enables consumers to compare verified, reputable movers and enjoy a stress-free move.
“For your next move, get online. Visit Unpakt and instantly compare guaranteed prices from prescreened moving companies. It’s easy to book your move online, just like you would a hotel or flight. We want to become the ‘go to’ online comparison site for everyone’s move.”
For moving tips or to book a move, visit www.Unpakt.com or download the Unpakt app on iTunes or Google Play Store. Enter promo code UnpaktNews to save 5 percent on your next move.