(NAPSI)—If you’re like many pet parents, it’s probably crossed your mind lately about what would happen to your animal if a natural disaster strikes.
The experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer this advice: Make a plan and prepare a disaster kit for your pet. This can help make things safer for you, your pet and any first responders.
Make a Plan
- Find out what shelters and assistance are available to accommodate pets.
- Microchip your pets and register the microchip with the manufacturer.
- Get a pet carrier for each of your pets and put his or her name, your name and contact information on it.
- If you’ll be sheltering at home with your pet, find an interior room with few or no windows and make sure it’s pet friendly.
Make A Kit
The experts on animal care at Henry Schein Animal Health have these hints to help you create an emergency first aid kit for your pet.
- A book on animal first-aid
- Your pet’s medical records
- Contact information for your veterinarian and a friend or family member familiar with your pet
- Spare leash and collar
- Food and water for at least two weeks
- Food and water bowls and a manual can opener
- Prescribed medication
- Gauze rolls and pads and adhesive tape
- Scissors
- Antiseptics
- Cotton balls
- Instant ice pack
- Saline solution
- Blanket
- Dog waste bag, paper towels, antibacterial soap, litter box and litter
- Milk of magnesia and activated charcoal
- Anti-diarrheal pills
- Flea and tick medicine
- Sedatives
- Artificial tear solution
- Anti-itch cream
- Water-based sterile lubricant
- Animal bug spray
- Styptic pencil
- Rubbing alcohol
- Epsom salts
- Thermometer
- Tick remover
- Tweezers
- Nail clippers
- Needle-nose pliers
- Syringe
- Eyedroppers
- Flashlight
- Pet toys and bed (familiar items can help pets feel more comfortable)
- Current photo of pet
- A description of the pet, including age, sex, neuter status, colors and approximate weight.
Remember, injured pets may be scared, in pain or confused, and even the most gentle pet may bite or scratch. Try to stay calm, move slowly, and handle your pet carefully. If possible, secure him or her in a carrier during transport.
Learn More
Download an infographic on emergency preparedness at https://www.henryscheinvet.com/firstaid.