(NAPSI)—As homeowners consider ways to “live green”, many may be surprised to learn the powerful effect home heating has on achieving optimal energy and cost efficiency.
Fortunately, home builders know HVAC is a key to living green—a full 87 percent of builders and remodelers consider energy-efficient systems vital to green building, according to a recent National Association of Home Builders report.
So how do you choose a home heating solution that’s both Earth and financially friendly? Here are a few hints that can help.
Selecting the optimal climate control system is critical with home heating using more energy and costing more money than any other system in your home—typically making up nearly half your utility bill. There are several types of heating systems that range from blowing hot air through ductwork to piping hot water through your floor. Forced-air systems, the most common, heat quickly and evenly, but many are not energy efficient and some users complain that moving air is noisy and blows allergens around the house. In addition, they require ductwork, which many older homes don’t have.
A lesser-known option, at least among Americans, is called ductless mini-split systems, distributed by such companies as Fujitsu General America. While the majority of HVAC systems in Asia and Europe are already ductless, they are rapidly gaining traction in North America, with mini-split systems projected to enjoy an annual growth rate of 14 percent each year through 2020.
Live Green, Save Green: Up to 25 Percent on Energy Bills
Mini-split systems provide maximum energy efficiency, saving homeowners up to 25 percent of utility bills by simply eliminating wasteful ducts. Duct losses can easily account for more than 30 percent of energy consumption, especially if the ducts are not sealed tight or are located in an unconditioned space such as an attic or crawl space. This is particularly good news for older homes, homes without existing ductwork or homes with seasonal additions, such as a sunroom. Installing ductwork is expensive and requires cutting holes in walls, floors and ceilings, or decreasing closet space. Ductless systems require only a two- or three-inch hole through the wall.
Customized Comfort, Even at
Extra-Low Temperatures
Ending any “Family Thermostat Wars,” mini-splits feature custom zone control, letting homeowners connect two to eight indoor units to a single outdoor unit. Each zone has its own thermostat so occupants can adjust each room to the temperature they want. Further, only occupied areas are heated, which can represent a significant savings considering the kitchen, dining room, living room and bedrooms are left unoccupied for at least 40 percent of the time in most households. What’s more, the comfort continues even in extreme cold weather climate. Fujitsu’s Extra Low Temperature Heating (XLTH) Series features outdoor condensing units engineered to operate in temperatures down to -15º F, lower than any other mini-split available today.
Cleaner Air, Lower Environmental Impact
Mini-split systems are designed with cleaner interior air in mind. No ductwork means no dust or mold to blow around a home and the built-in ion deodorization filter absorbs odors. Dust, mold spores and microorganisms are caught in the filter, promoting allergen-free air. Ductless mini-split systems are designed with Earth-friendly elements, using a refrigerant called R410A, known for its potential for zero ozone depletion.
Learn More
For further facts and to find a contractor nearby, call (888) 888-3424 or visit www.constantcomfort.com or www.fujitsugeneral.com.