(NAPSI)—This holiday season, you can join forces with a nonprofit that helps thousands of kids in foster care open a gift with their name on the tag.
These children generally have very little in the way of luxury or even stuff they can call their own. And they rarely get presents.
One Woman’s Story
That was what Latasha Haynes’ life was like when the organization helped change her future forever by buying her a camera—her first.
“I didn’t get a lot of Christmas gifts,” said Haynes, now 35, “so that first camera was a huge deal.” Now a professional photographer, she travels the country with her husband, also a photographer, and their daughter.
The Organization
The nonprofit that helped Haynes, Treehouse, gives children meaningful holiday presents such as bikes and tablets every year through its Holiday Magic program.
In addition, its Little Wishes program provides financial support for extracurricular activities and other experiences essential to any child’s development. And the organization’s Graduation Success program has dramatically increased graduation rates for youth in foster care.
“This year we are proud to continue giving kids in foster care a childhood and a future,” said Janis Avery, CEO of Treehouse. “If you are looking for a way to share the spirit of giving, it’s easy to get involved.”
What You Can Do
Visit www.treehouseforkids.org and click “Donate” to give directly. Or email drives@treehouseforkids.org to host your own donation drive. Nearly anyone can conduct a drive, from businesses to community groups and families.