(NAPSI)—Many older Americans have discovered that sharing their accumulated wisdom with others who need help can be a big win all around.
Here’s a look at two ways you can stretch your mind and show your heart:
Experience Corps
AARP Foundation Experience Corps unites teachers, schools and older adults to improve children’s academic and social outcomes. This benefits the children, the schools and the volunteers.
The program has been proven to help children who aren’t reading at grade level become better readers by the end of third grade. Last school year, 76 percent of students who were below grade level at the beginning of the year raised their reading and literacy performance by one or more proficiency levels with the help of Experience Corps volunteers.
The goal is to improve children’s literacy, strengthen communities, develop cultures of inspiration in schools and support hardworking teachers. It’s already changed the lives of thousands of children in schools across America.
Volunteers should be age 50 or older; have at least a high school diploma or GED; pass a criminal background check; pass a basic literacy screening; attend 25 hours of annual training; and have five to 15 hours a week to offer during the school year.
AARP Foundation also runs Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free tax assistance and preparation service, giving special attention to those 50 and older. It offers free tax-filing help to those who need it most. You do not need to be a member of AARP or even a retiree to use this free service.
IRS tax-certified volunteer preparers in libraries, malls, banks, community centers and senior centers answer questions and prepare tax returns. In addition to earned and retirement income reporting, they can also help with investment income (interest, dividends, and capital gains for Schedule D), Schedule C for individuals with small businesses that have less than $25,000 in annual expenses, and various health care, education, child and earned income credits.
Compassionate and friendly individuals can volunteer for the upcoming tax season. Volunteers receive training and continued support in a welcoming environment.
Learn More
For facts about Tax-Aide, including requirements for volunteers, go to www.aarp.org/money/taxes/info-2006/volunteer_aarp_tax_aide.html. For factson Experience Corps, visit www.aarpfoundation.org/experiencecorps. For information about AARP Foundation, visit www.aarpfoundation.org.