(NAPSI)—According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S., affecting up to 50 million Americans annually, and 85 percent of people ages 12 to 24 will experience at least mild acne.1
It’s also one thing that prompts teens to pause before posting their “selfies” on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, a new survey has found.2
Teens and the Age-Old Problem of Acne
The survey of 1,010 teenagers ages 15−19, conducted by Harris Poll, reveals that 71 percent of participants who have had acne feel it has a negative effect on their body image and attractiveness, while 67 percent say it has a negative effect on their self-esteem.2 Acne plays a role in confidence, acceptance and social relationships among teenagers.
Social Media Anxiety
The survey, commissioned by Cutanea Life Sciences, Inc., a U.S.-based specialty pharmaceutical company focused on dermatology, found that acne affects the way teens engage in social media, from editing photos to avoiding it altogether. While being a teenager is hard enough, social media adds to the anxiety teens face while trying to fit in and form relationships with their peers. Approximately one in three teens who use social media and have experienced acne say it increased their anxiety about their acne and makes dealing with acne in real life harder.2 Social media now plays a huge part in how teens develop friendships and communicate with one another but acne can cause teens to withdraw from this popular cultural trend.
“As school counselors, we see every day the profound impact that acne can have on teenagers’ self-image, confidence, acceptance and social relationships, at an already challenging time in their lives,” said Anne L.P. Flenner, Ed.S., Professional School Counselor and Florida Counseling Association Past-President. “The teens that I interact with as a school counselor are very active, on the go and very into technology, so it’s alarming to see them withdraw from social media because of acne.”
How Far Will Teens Go To Hide Their Acne?
Half of teens who use social media and have had acne say they have done one of the following to avoid displaying it:
- Chose not to include a photo on social media
- Deleted or untagged a photo
- Asked someone else to take down a photo
- Altered, edited, retouched or cropped a photo to try to hide acne
- Avoided being in a photo with someone who had clearer skin
- Stayed off social media.2
Managing Acne
Most teens with acne said they were doing everything they could to manage it; however, one in three teens with acne admit to having difficulty doing so. When asked about an effective treatment, the majority said it was important to use a therapy that worked quickly to clear up acne and that is affordable, easy to use and convenient.2
Fortunately, teens today don’t have to let acne get in the way of engaging with friends through a typical teenage activity. Parents of teens who are struggling with acne should seek the medical care of a dermatologist, who may prescribe medications to successfully manage the condition.
To learn more, visit www.cutanea.com.
1 Acne: American Academy of Dermatology. Retrieved September 26, 2017 from https://www.aad.org/media/stats/conditions
2 Teen Acne Survey: Harris Poll. Conducted between July 13 and 31, 2017 by https://www.theharrispoll.com