(NAPSI)—Imagine your family members are caught up in an international disaster or armed conflict and you have no idea where they are or even if they are still alive.
Where could you turn? Fortunately, the world’s largest humanitarian network can help.
How It Works
The Red Cross can reconnect loved ones when:
- Families are separated internationally as a result of conflict, disaster, migration or other humanitarian emergency.
- Families have already tried normal channels of communication to reconnect.
- The family member making the inquiry is a relative who had been in direct contact with the sought person before the crisis occurred.
The Red Cross’s family reconnection services are free and confidential.
“I Am Alive”
The three simple words, “I am alive,” can bring peace of mind after disasters. But after Hurricanes Irma and Maria slammed into the Caribbean, most people had very little opportunity to impart that crucial message to family members. So Red Cross teams there carried mobile hotspots along with relief supplies. “Witnessing people shed tears of joy when they connect with their loved ones has been the highlight of this mission,” said Colin Chaperon, American Red Cross’s Emergency Field Operations Lead.
A Century Of Reconnecting Families
In fact, the Red Cross has been helping loved ones separated by disaster, crisis and conflict to reconnect for more than 100 years. These days, thanks to technology, this type of humanitarian aid continues to evolve—bringing along with it hope and relief for families around the globe.
Through these services, the organization reconnected young refugee brothers in the United States with their mother in Africa; Polish twins who hadn’t seen one another in 68 years; and many others from Asia and the Middle East who had lost touch with family during wartime.
Learn More
If you’re ever looking for a lost family member who fits the criteria above, contact your local Red Cross chapter, call the free national helpline (844) 782-9441 or go to www.redcross.org/contact-us/international-reconnecting-families-inquiry-form.
To volunteer your time or donate money to help others, go to redcross.org/reconnectingfamilies.