(NAPSI)—Many people find it’s the little things that can provide the most joy in life. Here are some simple steps that can put you on the road to more happiness:
- Give: Do kind things for others.
- Relate: Connect with people. Call a friend!
- Health: Exercise; being active can improve your mood. Make sure you get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet.
- Awareness: Stop and take notice of the moment.
- Direction: Have goals, plans, and things to look forward to.
- Attitude: Feelings can follow actions. Tell yourself you’re content and you may soon be happier.
- Acceptance: No one’s perfect. Be kinder to yourself.
- Gratitude: Write a list of everything you’re grateful for in life and read the list whenever you’re down or having a bad day.
- Find Meaning: Be a part of something bigger—your faith, your job, your family.
10.Treat Yourself: Remember to take care of yourself, whether it’s taking a bath, reading a book or watching a fun movie like “Downsizing” at home with friends.
The hilarious and original comedy “Downsizing,” which is currently available on Blu-ray and DVD, demonstrates that having more things or free time doesn’t necessarily increase happiness, but that implementing some of the ideas above may lead to more contentment and fulfillment.
When scientists find a way to shrink humans to five inches tall, Paul Safranek (Academy Award® winner Matt Damon) and his wife Audrey (Kristen Wiig) decide to ditch their stressed-out lives in order to get small and live large in a luxurious downsized community. Filled with life-changing adventures and endless possibilities, Leisureland offers more than riches, as Paul discovers a whole new world and realizes that we are meant for something bigger.
For further information, visit www.DownsizingMovie.com.
“Looking for tips on happiness? Watch the movie “Downsizing” to see Matt Damon get small and live large. http://bit.ly/2FXXIvd”