(NAPSI)—By 2020, one in three Americans will be over age 50. If you or someone you care about expects to be among them, there’s something you may want to consider—and it’s electric.
An electric bike, that is. In fact, a whole shop full of them. Owning an electric bicycle store is an increasingly popular second or third career for many.
There are several good reasons:
- The electric bicycle industry is booming. It’s expected to grow 60 percent worldwide by 2025. Pedego, the No. 1 electric bike company in the U.S., has helped more than 100 career want-to-be entrepreneurs open a store.
- The bikes practically sell themselves. You just have to create an environment where it’s fun and easy to buy.
- Owning a Pedego store is both enjoyable and fulfilling. People who own a store say it’s surprisingly good to see the smiles on customers’ faces or hear how riding an electric bicycle has changed their lives by expanding their social circles, helping them get fit or ditching their cars for green transportation.
- The stores are NOT franchises. They’re independently owned and operated. You’re the boss—but you’re not alone. The company offers dealer support and services at no charge and there are no licensing or royalty fees.
- Opening a Pedego store can be good for your health and happiness as well as your pocket. The store owners tend to be a fit bunch thanks to all the bicycling. Plus, it’s a great way to meet people and have fun. While some retirees find their worlds shrinking as work relationships trail off, electric bike dealers develop new friendships with the customers who join them for group rides.
Learn More
For further facts and figures, go to www.pedegoelectricbikes.com.
“Owning an electric bicycle store is an increasingly popular second or third career for people 50+. http://bit.ly/2pedevM”