(NAPSI)—The next time you’re among the estimated 40 million Americans a year who move into a new home, heeding these five hints can help you stress less:
- Know what’s happening when. Make a list of everything you need to do and when you need to do it. It should include budgeting, decluttering, hiring movers, buying supplies, and updating medical and financial records.
- Keep all your critical move-related names, phone numbers and addresses in one document. You may want to store them in your smartphone and have a hard copy. Be sure you can easily access your moving contract, real estate and mortgage documents, as well as information you may need about utilities, banks and schools.
- Have a first-night box. Once you’re in your new home, you don’t want to have to hunt for such things as box cutters, tools, device chargers, bed linens, shower curtains, toiletries—and the coffeepot.
- Stay connected to what matters most-family, friends, Internet, Wi-Fi and TV. Arrange your services in advance of your move at CableMover.com.
- Get help. For a one-stop, customizable way to stay organized, there’s the Moving Guide from CableMover, downloadable at www.cablemover.com.
“The next time you’re among the estimated 40 million Americans a year who move into a new place, set up the Internet, TV and phone service in advance so your new house can feel like home right from the first night. http://bit.ly/2xHsqZV”