(NAPSI)—Minnesota could soon be well on its way to becoming a leading state in agriculture and a greater competitor in the global food economy. Minnesota is already an impactful food and ag state, but with the right candidates in its legislature and a partner as governor, it could be even better. That could be good for the more than 400,000 Minnesotan’s working in the food and agriculture sectors.
In a recent survey conducted by A Greater Minnesota (AGM), a coalition of organizations dedicated to good farms, food and jobs in the state, more than 81 percent of Minnesotans believe it’s in the best interest of the state to expand the food and farming sector into one of the nation’s leaders.
The Plan
Many people are asking political candidates where they stand on elevating Minnesota’s food and farming sector. Important issues include:
- Make Minnesota a Leader in Farm and Food Research and Innovation: No one has all the answers for how to help sustain agricultural productivity, best protect natural resources and develop even better food. More research and innovation can help find better solutions. One good answer may be a public-private research initiative that elevates Minnesota as a leader in research and innovation.
- Support Clean Water: The farming, food and agriculture industries share the goals of all Minnesotans to protect the state’s natural resources, including water quality. Minnesota farmers need to have the resources to continue these practices.
- Move Minnesota to an Outcomes-Based Regulatory System: Many Minnesotans believe it’s time to move to a new model of regulation—one that’s smarter, less burdensome and less costly while retaining transparency. This new model should be focused on outcomes rather than process. It should start with protecting the environment while accelerating opportunities for responsible business and farm expansions, quality jobs and other desired economic benefits.
- Adapt Tax Policy that Stimulates Growth and Jobs: Minnesota, many say, needs a more competitive tax policy that supports the growth of current farms and food and agriculture companies, while stimulating the development of exciting startup food companies and farming.
Which Candidates Support Minnesota Food And Ag?
Candidate responses are shared with voters across the state, so they can make an informed decision on Election Day.
You can find out which parts of the plan various candidates support by checking the candidates’ page on www.farmandfoodmn.org. There, you can also learn more about the issues and why they matter to Minnesota. The site is updated with all the latest information that voters across the state need to know. If you “like” A Greater Minnesota on Facebook and Twitter (@farmandfoodmn), you can get voter information, fun facts and the latest AGM updates.
If candidates you’re interested in haven’t responded to the vision and plan, you can use an easy tool on the AGM website to send a message asking them to participate, so you and other Minnesotans can make an informed decision at the polls. You can also thank those who have already responded.
How To Get Involved
If you’re interested in helping spread the word about AGM and this exciting vision, you can do so by sharing social media posts and links to the candidates’ page on the website. Also, make sure the people in your life understand why it’s important to elevate Minnesota’s farms and food.
Go Vote
What’s the most important way you can help? Vote. Do it at the polls on November 6 or vote early. You can check out the AGM website and social channels for more information about this. Know what matters to you and your candidates this election cycle and vote to elevate Minnesota.
“A survey by A Greater Minnesota (AGM), a coalition of organizations dedicated to good farms, food and jobs in the state, found more than 81 percent believe it’s best to expand the food and farming sector. http://bit.ly/2MYIw3x”