Now Hear This Hearing Aids That Suit The Modern Lifestyle by Rebecca Herbig, Au.D.

You can look good and hear better, even in a noisy environment, with up-to-date hearing technology.
You can look good and hear better, even in a noisy environment, with up-to-date hearing technology.

(NAPSI)—Whether heading to the gym before work, meeting up with friends for dinner, or flying across the country for a business trip, if you’re like many people, your life seems busier than ever. If you also have hearing loss, you might wonder how hearing aids can fit in. While there are many different kinds of hearing aids, not all are designed for today’s modern lifestyle.

Here are four features to keep in mind when choosing hearing aids.

  1. Portable recharging: One of the worst things that can happen to hearing aid wearers is for their batteries to die while they’re out and about. That’s why rechargeability is one of the biggest trends in hearing aids today. While most rechargeable hearing aids require a charger that plugs into the wall, the newest models offer a portable charger that can keep them charged for three full days—great for a business trip or weekend getaway.
  2. Modern style: Although the basic shape of hearing aids hasn’t changed much over the years, the newest offerings are designed to look like modern consumer electronics. Instead of the typical tear-drop shape, they’re slim and sleek. When combined with bold, vibrant colors, they look more like a cool pair of earbuds than assistive devices.
  3. Exceptional hearing: Certainly, the main goal of hearing aids is for you to hear better, so you’ll want hearing aids that help you understand speech clearly, even in noisy situations such as a crowded train or a loud restaurant. Also, with some hearing aids, your own voice can sound tinny or mechanical, so it’s important to get the kind with a feature to make your voice sound as natural as possible. This way, you’ll be able to hear confidently in any situation.
  4. Wearing comfort: If you’re going to wear something on your ears all day, you want it to be comfortable. Hearing aids used to be large, clunky, and awkward but the newest models are lightweight, able to fit most ear types, and designed with comfort in mind. They’re also robust and resistant to dirt and moisture, so you can wear them throughout your day.

Hearing Aids For Today

Hearing loss shouldn’t get in the way of how you live your life. To make that a reality, however, you need hearing aids that can support an active lifestyle. To learn how some of the newest hearing aids can fit in with your modern life, visit:

  • Dr. Herbig is a Clinical Education Specialist for Sivantos, Inc. She previously spent five years with Sivantos in Germany and prior to that worked as a clinical audiologist in northern Virginia. Rebecca earned her B.S. in Audiology from the University of Texas in Dallas and an Au.D. from Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C.

“Hearing loss shouldn’t get in the way of how you live your life. Fortunately, you can get hearing aids that support an active lifestyle, says Rebecca Herbig, Au.D., a Clinical Education Specialist for Sivantos, Inc.