(NAPSI)—One of the most cost-effective ways to make your home more comfortable year-round is to add insulation to your attic, including the attic trap or access door. By sealing uncontrolled air leaks, points out the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save 10 percent to 20 percent on your heating and cooling bills. Fortunately, this can be a relatively easy task.
Why Improve Your Insulation
An improperly insulated attic can be a preventable source of energy loss and unnecessary expense. Over time, insulation can settle or compact, which reduces its R-value. An insulating material’s resistance to conductive heat flow is measured or rated in terms of its thermal resistance or R-value—the higher the R-value, the greater the insulating effectiveness. A breezy attic may also result in drifts or shifts in your original insulation, leaving gaps where heat can escape. By topping up your attic insulation, you’ll increase the thermal level, reducing your overall energy usage and saving you money.
How To Do It
A simple way to do this is to topup the existing insulation in your attic. This is one project that homeowners can often tackle for themselves. Look for time-saving, easy-to-install products, such as stone wool batts, that are easy to work with and don’t require costly blower rentals, protective clothing or an investment in expensive equipment.
You can easily add Rockwool ComfortBatt insulation on top of most existing insulation to increase R-value in an attic without having to do any remediation or removal first. The batts will remain stable and won’t shift after they are put in place, ensuring upgraded thermal protection. They’re also:
- Easily cut
- Noncombustible
- Excellent for sound absorbency
- Not likely to rot or promote growth of fungi or mildew
- Water and moisture resistant.
To apply the insulation, simply begin in one corner of the attic, open the bag and place the stone wool batts as needed to get a consistent layer throughout the attic. Make sure to cover spaces around ducts, wiring and piping, converting these awkward spaces into energy-saving areas. One of the advantages of stone wool batts is their compatibility with other insulation types, eliminating any need to remove existing product.
Learn More
For further facts and tips on insulation, go to www.rockwool.com/products/comfortbatt.
“One of the most cost-effective ways to make your home more comfortable is to add insulation such as Rockwool ComfortBatt, easy to add on top of most existing insulation. http://bit.ly/2Q9HZkY”