Female And Ambitious: Four Books About Inspiring
Women Who Wouldn’t Let The Odds Stand In Their Way

“Diamonds and Scoundrels: My Life in the Jewelry Business” by Adrienne Rubin (She Writes Press)
(NAPSI)—When Adrienne Rubin enters the jewelry business in 1970s Los Angeles, she is a maverick in a world dominated by men. She soon meets a hotshot salesman who doesn’t seem to struggle at all, and when he asks her to be his partner, she is excited to join him. She doesn’t know him well but she knows his father, and she believes he is trustworthy.
“Diamonds and Scoundrels” shows us how a woman in a man’s world, with tenacity and determination, can earn respect and obtain a true sense of accomplishment. Following Rubin’s up-and-down experiences in the jewelry industry through the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s, this is a tale of personal growth, of how to overcome challenges with courage and resilience.
To buy, https://amzn.to/2LZaVK6.
“Just a Girl: Growing Up
Female and Ambitious”
by Lucinda Jackson (She Writes Press)
The sensitive, personal story of the author’s ambition to become and succeed as a scientist during the “white man in power” era of the 1950s to 2010s. In the male-dominated science world, she struggles from girlhood unworthiness to sexist battles in several jobs. Jackson overcomes pain, shame and self-blame, learns to believe in herself when others don’t and becomes a champion for others.
“Just a Girl” is a call to action—eye-opening and inspiring and pointing the way to a brighter future for women everywhere.
Purchase at https://amzn.to/32u4DI6.
“Your Turn: Ways to Celebrate
Life Through Storytelling”
by Tyra Manning (She Writes Press)
Creative expression through writing helps people uncover gems of hope and serenity, enabling them to navigate difficult times. Sharing stories with one another inspires them and helps them forge stronger relationships.
Renowned educator Dr. Tyra Manning offers examples of stories from her own life, followed by an invitation for readers to delve into their own emotional histories, with plenty of room to explore on the page with writing prompts and tools. A guidebook for transformation through self-expression, “Your Turn” will spark readers’ creative thought and offers them a space to document their own self-reflection.
Buy at https://amzn.to/2YY5aQe.
“Roots and Wings: Ten Lessons
of Motherhood That Helped Me Create and Run a Company”
by Margery Kraus with Phyllis Piano (SparkPress)
A child of immigrants, Margery Kraus knew the value of hard work from an early age. She learned to be a risk taker. As a young wife and mother in the 1960s, she faced plenty of people who told her, “You can’t do that.” But in the end, she did: She founded a global consulting firm for major multinationals, growing it from nothing to almost $150 million in revenues.
Kraus shares the ten lessons she learned from motherhood and leadership that guided her along the way—an inspiration to all seeking to overcome obstacles and achieve career and personal success.
To purchase, https://amzn.to/2SoI1nN.
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“For anyone who’s female and ambitious—or cares about someone who is—four books from Book Trib about women who wouldn’t let the odds stand in their way can be an inspiring read. http://bit.ly/2lICs7J”