Do You Need Flood Insurance? The Answer Is A Resounding “Yes”

(NAPSI)—Floods are the most common and costly natural disasters occurring in the United States today. They can impact anyone, anywhere, at any time. Yet only 15 percent of Americans choose flood insurance, leaving countless properties uninsured. Just one inch of water can cause thousands of dollars in damage.
As a homeowner, business owner or renter, your property is one of your most valued assets, so keeping it safe should be a priority. That includes taking preventive action to protect yourself against the risk of flooding. When those preventive actions are not enough, you may turn to insurance. But, did you know that flood-related property damages typically aren’t covered by a traditional property insurance policy?
Flood Insurance 101
A flood policy backed by FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is separate from a homeowner’s, business or renter’s insurance policy, and is serviced by private insurance companies. Flood insurance provides various levels of coverage for both building and contents, depending on the type of policy you purchase and the type of structure being insured. “It is important to discuss individual coverage needs and the coverages offered by the NFIP policy with an insurance agent,” said Cassie Masone, Vice President of Flood Operations for Selective Insurance—one of the top five largest writers of NFIP flood insurance in the country.
“We have strong partnerships with independent insurance agents across the country who can help you find the right coverage based on your geographic area and overall flood exposure,” continued Masone. “Selective Insurance offers this valuable coverage to not only help rebuild properties but also to help people rebuild their lives following a flood.”
Why Flood Insurance Matters Now More than Ever
Due to climate changes, flood events are becoming more prevalent, even in areas that have not typically experienced flooding. Wherever there is rain, there is risk of a flood. But it isn’t just rain—floods can also result from river-flow, tidal-surges, changes to the landscape due to building, development and wildfires, and flood-control structures such as dams and levees. According to the Association of State Dam Safety Officials, U.S. dams are degrading far faster than they are being repaired. By 2025, 70 percent of them will be more than 50 years old and they may not do the job for which they were originally built.
For all of these reasons, the number of properties at risk for a devastating flood grows each year. If you don’t think you are at risk, think again: More than 20 percent of flood insurance claims come from properties located in low to moderate flood risk areas.
Flood Insurance Means Peace of Mind
In the past six years, all 50 states have experienced some type of flooding event. With proper preparation, you may be able to mitigate the impact of a flooding event. Check with your independent agent to help determine what risks you face and the flood protection you need. You can also visit or call (877) 348-0552 to find an agent in your area that can help you purchase a flood insurance policy.

““It‘s important to discuss individual coverage needs and the coverages offered by the NFIP policy with an insurance agent,” said Cassie Masone, Vice President of Flood Operations for Selective Insurance, among the top five flood insurance writers”