Connecting Veterans And Volunteers Nationwide

(NAPSI)—If you would like to help a veteran, if you are a veteran who needs extra help, or know of one in your community, here’s good news. There’s a new, nationwide resource that makes it easy to match civic-minded individuals with those who need a little assistance. The database, called, was created by DAV (Disabled American Veterans), a nonprofit charity that helps veterans get their benefits and services.
Here’s how it works. Veterans, as well as their caregivers, can use the site to seek assistance by entering the type of help they need, from basic tasks such as yardwork, help with errands or other services. Neighbors or friends who know of a veteran in need of help can step in to coordinate requests on their behalf. On the flip side, volunteers who are interested in giving their time can use the site to look for and respond to requests for help.
Using the site is easy, and at no cost to veterans or volunteers. Go to, click on the “sign up” icon and indicate whether you are a veteran or caregiver who needs help, a friend or neighbor making a request on someone’s behalf, or a volunteer willing to give support. Choose your state and the screen will populate with requests.
There is no minimum time requirement for volunteering, and groups, such as the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, can participate. Volunteer opportunities are updated daily, so individuals and groups are encouraged to check back often.
Ways to help. Opportunities to volunteer vary from activities that require special skills to basic assistance around the house, such as fixing and serving a meal, home maintenance, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, paperwork, carpentry, automotive repair and more.
Become a volunteer driver. One important and growing need, particularly for the aging veteran population, is transportation to medical appointments. At one time, the federal government provided assistance for veterans to help them access the care they earned. Unfortunately, that program was stopped in 1987. Since then, DAV has stepped in to coordinate no-cost rides through volunteer drivers to get ill and injured veterans to their scheduled care at VA medical facilities.
Drivers are provided training and use DAV-donated vehicles for transporting veterans. Volunteers may select the days that best fit their schedule.
“Giving even just a few hours of time a month can make a huge difference in the lives of veterans who need help,” says John Kleindienst, DAV’s National Voluntary Services Director. “ makes the process of providing and receiving life-changing help easy.”
To find out about volunteering, or if you are a veteran in need of assistance, go to

““Giving even just a few hours of time a month can make a huge difference in the lives of veterans who need help,” says John Kleindienst, DAV’s National Voluntary Services Director.”