More Great Reading Ideas-Tracking The Human Journey And A Heart-Pounding Mystery

“Today I Choose Me” by Dr. Lisa Lewis Ellis
(NAPSI)—Every day when we wake up, we have choices. Often when women make choices, they think of everyone but themselves: their spouse, children, friends, boss, co-workers.
In “Today I Choose Me: From Empty Nest to Full Throttle,” five women tell the stories of how one pivotal day they made the heroic choice to live a more balanced life, full throttle. Their goal was to serve others better as mother, friend, employer, or co-worker. But in order to make that happen, they had to choose to be the best version of themselves. Be inspired, encouraged, and empowered in this unique book. Purchase at
“Squirrels in the Wall” by Henry Hitz (SparkPress)
This darkly hilarious collection of stories constructs a heartfelt collage of the human journey. The stories provide a kaleidoscope of heartbreak among both human and animal characters as they confront abuse and death, following the Blatz family in a single setting on a Wisconsin lake.
This novel showcases a story of spectacular family dysfunction—and of healing love. “Squirrels in the Wall” is “an imaginative coming-of-age narrative that explores the natural world” and “…the book reveals the obvious and hidden ways that one is shaped by one’s environment” (Kirkus Reviews). Purchase at
“Live to the Network” by Jeffrey Diamond
A heart-pounding murder mystery with anger and violence, surprise and suspense, and a cast of unforgettable characters set in a milieu rarely explored in other works of fiction. Spinning toward a devastating confrontation with Peter Sampson, the mercurial anchorman of “The Weekly Reporter,” Ethan Benson stumbles upon a story about the tabloid murders of three runaway girls that have dominated the headlines in New York City.
At first, the assignment appears to be just another lurid crime story that Ethan has no interest in pursuing. But as he launches his investigation, he discovers that the murders are just the tip of the iceberg, that the dead girls represent the last chapter in the despicable world of human sex trafficking. Purchase at
“The Road to Home” by Ellen Gibson-Adler
A moving and unforgettable story that portrays the transformative journey of a military family ultimately forced to put down roots. As Nelle and her family grapple with charting a future steeped in the turbulence of growing up and growing old, we embrace the successes and failures of these all-too-human characters.
Through the lens of loss, the light of laughter, and the revelation of wisdom comes a beautiful story of how forgiveness leads to the road to redemption and the power of love, no matter the age or station in life. If you are a fan of Jeannette Walls, Anne Tyler, or Tara Westover, you’ll enjoy this book. Purchase at
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“Great reading ideas—tracking the human journey and a heart-pounding mystery—are available from There you can also subscribe to the weekly newsletter of information and ideas for your next enjoyable book.”