Six Top Wellness Trends To Watch For

(NAPSI)—According to the National Institutes of Health, only about 20 percent of your life expectancy is dictated by your genes; the rest depends on your lifestyle. Increasingly, people look to improve the length and quality of their life through certain products and habits. Here’s a look at six popular roads to wellness:
1. Back to nature. Dr. Chloe Evans of the Shetland, Scotland National Health Service says getting out into nature can help alleviate conditions ranging from high blood pressure to depression. “The benefits [of nature] are that it is free, easily accessible, allows increased connection with surroundings which hopefully leads to improved physical and mental health for individuals,” she says.
2. Personalize nutrition. When it comes to maintaining a healthful weight and well-being, foods that are good or bad for one person may not be for another. Personalized diets can help.
3. Dress for health success. New technologies may let clothes correct your environment. Engineers from MIT created a “smart” jacket that automatically adjusts itself to suit your body temperature, the outside temperature and your movements.
4. CBD is in. No longer illegal under the Controlled Substances Act, cannabidiol (CBD)—which doesn’t induce a psychoactive effect—is increasingly used to target specific ailments.
5. Aromatherapy makes scents. At the Cleveland Clinic’s Innovations Lab, researchers came up with plant-based aromatherapeutic solutions to treat specific symptoms, such as pain, nausea and anxiety. Recent studies of people with knee replacements suggest the right scent can reduce pain and relieve anxiety.
6. Be smart about supplements. “High-quality supplements and vitamins, herbs and homeopathy, and sports nutrition products can be trusted partners in your natural wellness lifestyle,” explains Michael Murray, N.D. Dr. Murray is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published more than 30 books including “The Textbook of Natural Medicine,” used by hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals the world over.
Wellness solutions for just about all the key aspects of your life are available through iHerb, a leading wellness destination serving 150 countries for over two decades. Based in the U.S., iHerb’s quality control includes product testing by a third-party lab for ingredients, purity and labeling; climate-controlled warehouses and distribution centers; and assurance of freshness and transparency with close expiration date monitoring. The company is committed to offering the best overall value, guaranteeing unparalleled quality and easy product comparison.
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“High-quality supplements and vitamins, herbs and homeopathy, and sports nutrition products from iHerb, a leading wellness destination for over two decades, can be trusted partners in your natural wellness lifestyle, says Dr. Michael Murray, N.D.”