More Great Reading Ideas For Fans Of Horror, Thrillers And Satire

“Monsterland” by Michael Okon
(NAPSI)—Author Michael Okon is an expert in humanizing monsters and “monsterizing” humans. Never is this more apparent than in his innovative “Monsterland,” in which the protagonist, in many ways, is a groundbreaking theme park where guests can interact with vampires, be chased by werewolves, and walk among the dead in Zombieville.
Wyatt Baldwin’s senior year is not going well for a number of reasons. But that all changes when Wyatt and his friends are invited to attend the grand opening of Monsterland. With real werewolves, vampires and zombies as the main attractions, what could possibly go wrong? Only everything. From Wordfire Press, purchase at
“Monsterland Reanimated” by Michael Okon
Confining Okon’s “Monsterland” series to only one book is not enough. That’s because the author has a lot of cleaning up to do since the end of his weird and wacky “Monsterland.”
The sequel, “Monsterland Reanimated,” is aptly named. Many creatures and villains you so lovingly met in book one have been restored to life and given fresh vigor, which they use in the continued quest of their sinister leader, Vincent Konrad, to achieve world dominance. Once again, Okon’s imagination runs wild with a zany plot, fast-paced writing, and a unique blend of gore and sarcasm. From Wordfire Press, purchase at
“The Kill Club” by Wendy Heard
Jazz will stop at nothing to save her brother. Their foster mother, Carol, has always been fanatical, but with Jazz grown up and out of the house, Carol takes a dangerous turn that threatens 13-year-old Joaquin’s life. Over and over, child services fails to intervene, and Joaquin is running out of time.
Then Jazz gets a blocked call from someone offering a solution. There are others like her—people the law has failed. They’re taking back their power and leaving a trail of bodies throughout Los Angeles—dubbed the Blackbird Killings. If Jazz joins them, they’ll take care of Carol for good. All she has to do is kill a stranger. From MIRA, purchase at
“The Optimist” (audiobook) by Roy E. Schreiber
This unique audiobook presents a satirical view of college professors. It features Ralph, a philosphy professor who believes logic is the answer to all problems—from bringing justice to everyone to fixing personal relationships. In the course of organizing a faculty labor union to negotiate for better pay as well as a public lecture series in the chancellor’s name, he inadvertently sparks an unlikely and turbulent romance between the two colleagues he finagles into speaking: an arrogant three-time-divorced English History professor and a Women’s Studies professor.
Ralph’s optimism is severely tested when King Henry VIII, his queen, Ann Boleyn, the poet Thomas Wyatt and Harry Houdini all somehow get thrown into the mix. Purchase at
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“Great reading ideas for fans of horror, thrillers and satire include “Monsterland” and “Monsterland Reanimated” by Michael Okon, “The Kill Club” by Wendy Heard and the audiobook “The Optimist” by Roy E. Schreiber. All available through BookBites.”