Four Great Reads: Two Fun Romps And Two Focusing On Major Life Issues

“Fly Back, Agnes”
by Elizabeth Atkinson
Agnes hates everything about her life: her name, her parents’ divorce,
her best friend’s abandonment, her changing body. So while staying with
her dad over the summer, she decides to become someone else. She tells
people she meets that her name is Chloe, she’s fourteen, her parents are
married, and she’s a dancer and actor.
But Agnes’s fibs quickly start to complicate her new friendships,
especially with Fin, whose mysterious relative runs a local raptor
rehab center that fascinates Agnes. The birds heal and fly back home.
Agnes, too, wants to get back to wherever she truly belongs, but first
she must be honest with herself. From Carolrhoda Books, purchase at
“Witches Protection Program”
by Michael Okon
Wes Rockville, a disgraced law enforcement agent, is given one
last chance to prove himself and save his career when he’s reassigned to
a 232-year-old secret government organization, The Witches Protection
Program. His first assignment: Uncover a billion-dollar cosmetics
company’s diabolical plan for using witchcraft for global domination,
while protecting heiress Morgan Pendragon from her aunt’s evil deeds.
Reluctantly paired with veteran witch protector, Alastair Verne,
Wes must learn to believe in both witches and himself. Filled with
adventure and suspense, the book is s a tongue-in-cheek alternate
reality where witches cast spells and wreak havoc in modern day New
York. From WordFire Press, purchase at
“Slay Like a Mother: How to Destroy What’s Holding You Back So You Can Live the Life You Want”
by Katherine Wintsch
Wintsch knows firsthand the self-doubt that rages inside modern moms.
As founder and CEO of The Mom Complex, she has studied the passions and
pain points of moms worldwide to help some of the largest brands develop
innovative new products and services. As a working mom of two, she was
running in an exhausting cycle of never enough, not patient enough, not
“mom” enough.
You’ll discover goal-setting tactics to help you overcome
unrealistic expectations and how to stop hiding behind the “everything
is fine” mask. Brave, supportive, and insightful, these stories will
encourage you to live more confidently and become your best self. From
Sourcebooks, purchase at
“In Death, the Gift of Life”
—an anthology
In Death, the Gift of Life opens an important conversation,
starting on the local level. Inspired by one son’s experience with his
father’s end-of-life passage, this anthology contains the stories of 10
individuals from Westport, CT. It asks readers to examine what
end-of-life choices and options are available and the challenges faced
by those with transformative and terminal illnesses.
Each moving narrative explores men and women who have faced the
modern medical establishment head-on and then deliberately embraced
courage and grace in the aftermath. These individuals influenced an
entire community with their unique views about living and dying well and
will continue to inspire through the power of their stories. Purchase
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