(NAPSI)—As we honor America’s approximately 169 million women this month, let us keep in mind where progress has been made while also calling out where access to opportunities are still not equal.
While women average fewer earnings than men—and women of color
earn even less than that, according to the 2018 American Community
Survey, single women own 1.5 million more homes than single men. Women
are also seeing more success when it comes to managing their money.
According to Fidelity Investments’ ‘Who’s the Better Investor, Men or
Women 2017,’ women save more money than men and their investments also
earn more money annually.
However, despite these facts, women have typically had less
access to tools that promote financial stability. Only one in three
women own individual life insurance, according to LIMRA’s ‘Life
Insurance Ownership in Focus, U.S. Personal Trends: 2016.’ Women are
also 80 percent more likely to be impoverished in retirement (National
Institute on Retirement Security 2016).
Companies like Jenny Life are building financial products that
help women and families gain equal access to tools promoting financial
stability. For more facts and free resources visit www.jennylife.com and download the app on iOS and Google play.

“Only one in three women own individual life insurance. Fortunately, that’s easy to fix. With Jenny Life women can apply in minutes without the need for a health exam. #lifeuncomplicated #getlifeinsurancehttp://bit.ly/2Q2L70X”