Schools, Parents And COVID-19

(NAPSI)—K–12 education has gone through a seismic shift in the wake of COVID-19. Parents are finding themselves thrust into homeschooling, and educators, into virtual schooling. EdChoice, a national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, teamed up with Morning Consult to release results of a recent poll to find out how it has affected families and teachers.
They found that parents are clearly anxious about sending their kids back to school; 66 percent said they were concerned their children will be exposed to the virus in school. The majority (68%) are also concerned their child is missing important instruction time.
The silver lining to so many states having closed down brick and mortar schools: A solid majority of parents said they felt at least somewhat prepared for the transition to e-learning and distance learning. Parents are slightly more likely to say they felt very or somewhat prepared (70%) than were teachers (67 percent).
There is only one type of school choice program that allows families to receive funds into a flexible spending account to customize an education for their child. They are called education savings accounts, or ESAs. And according to EdChoice’s Public Opinion Tracker, 67 percent of Americans support them.
These results are part of a new, larger polling project, the EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker. is new dashboard updates every month with results of public survey questions not only on COVID-19 but also on K–12 education topics such as schooling, testing, spending and school choice.
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For more findings from EdChoice’s Public Opinion Tracker visit

“To be responsive to these extraordinary times, the non-profit, non-partisan @EdChoice teamed up with Morning Consult to release a new poll showing how the pandemic has affected the lives and education of families and teachers.”