Start Saving Today, Tomorrow, and for Good

(NAPSI)—When times are tough, it feels good to do what you can, and maybe spread a little added joy with the proceeds. For example, putting extra money in your pockets, while protecting the planet for generations to come.
Here’s How
If you find your utility bills are getting you down, particularly if your family is one of many spending more time at home, ENERGY STAR can help. The typical household spends about $2,000 a year on energy bills. With ENERGY STAR, you can save 30% and reduce your carbon footprint. Whether you are looking to make small changes or take on a big project, make your energy choices count by looking for the ENERGY STAR label.
Ways to Save
October 27th is ENERGY STAR Day, a day to celebrate the environmental and financial benefits of energy savings, particularly for those who need it the most. There are many ways to save on ENERGY STAR Day and every day. Consider installing a smart thermostat or take on a bigger project like replacing your water heater. With certified, efficient options in so many categories, there is an entry point for everyone and rebates and other ways to save offered by ENERGY STAR partners. Looking for the trusted blue label to save energy today will help your family to do the things that bring joy for years to come.
Visit for all the ways you can start saving.

“Using @ENERGYSTAR appliances can help you tackle increased utility costs. The typical household spends about $2,000 a year on energy bills. With ENERGY STAR, you can save 30% and reduce your carbon footprint. #ENERGYSTARday“