Keeping It Great To Be A Kid

(NAPSI)—In these uncertain times, kids need music more than ever. Anyone who has ever seen toddlers naturally sway and bob to music, knows that children feel music—and that music and kids go together like macaroni and cheese. Studies also show that music can help the very young deal with stress and turn around their emotions like nothing else.
Tunes For Toddlers
To that end, Walt Disney Records’ most successful lullaby album artist and producer, Grammy nominee Fred Mollin, created “It’s Great To Be a Kid,” a new album of heartwarming, fun original songs for kids ages 1 through 6. These songs take children on a musical expedition highlighting the beautiful things in life, reminding them how much joy there is to look forward to in their young lives at a time when they need it most.
The songs evoke the simple pleasures of being young, driving in a car, walking and seeing the beauty of nature, playing with friends, dancing to an upbeat song, the joy of food and even the fun of helping tidy up the house. Three interactive Bonus Tracks are versions that leave key moments blank during the songs, for children to join in.
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