A Safe Way to Return to Play

(NAPSI)—As life returns to normal following an impossibly difficult year, one aspect of the pandemic likely to remain is the understanding that clean, germ-free environments are important—especially when it comes to children.
It’s well documented that playtime is vital to kids’ social and emotional health; unstructured play helps them learn key developmental skills, such as patience, sharing, role play, risk taking and imagination. Other benefits of outdoor play for kids include an increase of vitamin D and a boosted immune system, guaranteed exercise, and fostering an appreciation of the world around them.
After a year of being cooped up with very little opportunity to socialize or be active outdoors, a return to play is top of mind for many families and caregivers. But questions remain about how to do it safely.
Now parents can have more peace of mind when giving their children the outdoor play they crave, thanks to an antimicrobial coating specifically targeted for use on commercial playgrounds.
Available throughout the U.S., PlayArmor™ creates an invisible layer of protection on the surfaces children might touch. Cleaning with a disinfectant lasts only until the next person touches the equipment. PlayArmor bonds to the equipment’s surface and will not come off with inclement weather or by touch.
Registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the technology is proven to be safe and is also used in hospitals, medical research labs and restaurants. PlayArmor withstands pressure washing and remains on playground surfaces to which it is applied, with no need to reapply for up to 90 days. PlayArmor is safe for humans, animals, and the environment.
What to Look For
How will you know if your local playground and site amenities such as benches and tables are protected by PlayArmor? The equipment will have a visible PlayArmor label, which is a sign that the playground and site amenities are protected. PlayPower®, the world’s largest commercial playground and recreational equipment manufacturer, introduced PlayArmor in partnership with Clearstream® Technologies, a specialized chemical company. For more information on PlayArmor, visit www.PlayArmor.com.

“It’s beneficial for kids to play outdoors, especially on equipment with an antimicrobial protective coating that keeps it germ-free for months.https://bit.ly/3AdlJtL“