Pet Health

Eighty-five million American households have dogs or cats. When cancer or other illness strikes, they want the best for them. A problem, says VCA medical oncology specialist Erin Roof, DVM, is that cancer symptoms are hard to spot. “The owner may notice a bump, or a mass, or something on their dog that wasn’t there before,” she says. “Bring it to your veterinarian’s att ention.” Where to turn? Fortunately, VCA’s Animal Diagnostic Clinic in Dallas, Texas uses a multidisciplinary approach to pet cancer, much as in human medicine. Pet parents consult radiation and medical oncology specialists about the best treatments. Compassionate care creates a healing environment for pets and owners. Board-certified oncology specialists use the latest tools, such as state-of-the-art True-Beam™ radiation, for better, safer, faster treatments to heal or extend your pet’s life. As one pet parent put it “I wanted to put Patch in the best hands that I could put him in, he’s like a child to us. He’s not just a dog. He’s a family member. Our experience has been beyond my expectations.” For more information, visit the VCA website.