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August 3, 2018

Fire Safety Facts

Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors save lives but many people live in homes without them. Hundreds of people, especially seniors, die every year from unintentional exposure to carbon monoxide and thousands more die in house fires where there were no working smoke alarms. Make sure smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are installed in

August 3, 2018

Fire Safety

More than three hundred and fifty thousand fires occur each year and often within the homes of seniors. Some of the leading causes include cooking, portable heaters, smoking, and faulty electrical equipment. Here are a few ways you can prevent electrical fires. Call an electrician if you see a discolored wall plate, smell a burning

August 3, 2018

Pet Health

Eighty-five million American households have dogs or cats. When cancer or other illness strikes, they want the best for them. A problem, says VCA medical oncology specialist Erin Roof, DVM, is that cancer symptoms are hard to spot. “The owner may notice a bump, or a mass, or something on their dog that wasn’t there

August 3, 2018

Hints for Homeowners

Timmy, Why are you coughing? It’s My asthma, Ma. Your Asthma! Albert, I thought you said you were going to hire a NADCA member to clean our air ducts. Sport You’ll be finished coughing in no time once I’m done here. Gee, Pa, you should have just hired a NADCA member.

August 3, 2018

Reuniting Families

Imagine your loved ones are caught up in an international disaster or armed conflict, or that they are on a migration and you have no idea if they’re safe, or alive. The world’s largest humanitarian network can help. For over a century, the Red Cross has been reconnecting families separated by conflict, disaster, migration or